I’ve recently learned about an amazing company and product called Nest. They’ve designed an easy to use, programmable thermostat, that actually learns when to turn your home temperature up or down depending on your living patterns. The brilliant thing is that you can control Nest from your smart phone. That means you can see the current temperature from your phone, and turn the heat up or down depending on your needs.
On their website (which is very cool and worth a look) Nest claims that this level of control and intelligence can help you save 20% on your home heating and cooling bills.
Their Auto-Away feature is particularly cool. The device uses activity sensors to determine if there are people moving nearby, if not, it turns into auto-away mode and sets itself to a programmed minimum or maximum temperature. Brilliant! You’ll even see a little green leaf appear when you choose a temperature that saves you money.
And, you’ll get a monthly energy report that shows you exactly how you’re doing with your energy consumption, and how you compare to others.
This is the type of product I love; one that combines great design and technology to make conservation easy.