Hello again! It’s been a long time since I’ve reached out and written anything on my blog or newsletter. My excuses are typical; work, busy family life, and 7 (exhausting) months spent renovating a rental property my husband and I bought last year (more on that topic to come!).
Getting back to writing is like going back to the gym after a long time off; it’s really hard to start but my hope is to establish a more regular routine so it all comes a bit easier.
I want to make this commitment because I have a lot of great things planned in the coming year! This blog will take a bit of a turn, expanding to cover topics around garden, home and lifestyle. After two top-to-bottom house renovations (my home and the rental mentioned above) I’ve accumulated lots of tips and tricks to share for both indoors and outdoors.
On the landscape design side, I have a whole new product offering in the works, perfect for the do-it-yourself gardener. Tools and videos and lots more to come!
So, thank you for tuning back in and I hope to connect more in the coming year!

Me in my office on a chilly winter day